Dressing Down to Feed the Need
Making a difference in our community!
Posted on September 14, 2015 by Marketing Team
Feed the Need in Durham is the regional food distribution warehouse serving Durham Region. They provide food to emergency food providers such as food banks, soup kitchens, community service centres, shelters, drop-in centres, and breakfast feeding programs.
As a member of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, we partnered with Feed the Need in Durham in their fight against hunger across the Durham Region with an August Food Drive Challenge! We joined our efforts with other companies throughout the Durham Region to Dress Down to Feed the Need on Friday’s throughout the month. Staff members brought in new products every Friday in exchange for dressing down in their favourite comfy clothes.
We have gathered a wide variety of donations from our staff and are so pleased to know that we are helping to transform our community. CPS employees donated 75 lbs. of non-perishable food and the company surpassed our donation with another 85 lbs. making a grand total of 157 lbs!
Feed the Need in Durham is always looking for more donations and encourages everyone to
donate what they can. Every little bit counts, and we at Complete Packaging encourage you to do your part to make your community a better place to live.
To learn more about Complete Packaging and how we can help you and your business,
Call Toll Free: 1-866-858-8800