Happy New Year from Complete Packaging!
We can’t wait to see what the new year brings.
Posted on January 4, 2016 by Marketing Team
Here at Complete Packaging Systems, January 1st is one of our favourite days of the year. It means new beginnings are in our midst and new chances to explore and create are just around the corner. It’s time for New Years resolutions!
After recently expanding to the United States, we excelled beyond our own expectations last year, from a nomination for a Peter Perry Award to being ranked No. 364 in the 27th annual PROFIT 500, the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies. This year we expect nothing less than the same perseverance and we can’t wait to see what our team has in store for us.
Complete Packaging Systems New Years resolution is to look ahead to what else we can achieve together. We look forward to the new accomplishments and innovative products we can produce. We always welcome customer feedback to further improve our products so we can revolutionize cargo securement.Be prepared for updates to other famous products to ensure your work is easier and safer, while still being compliant.
To learn more about Complete Packaging and how we can help you and your business,
Call Toll Free: 1-866-858-8800