We’ve Moved!
Complete Packaging Systems is making a big move.
Posted on May 10, 2016 by Marketing Team
For the last 9 years we have made 1375 Hopkins Street our home, but now it is time to move on… to just down the street! Complete Packaging System has said goodbye to our previous location and has recently moved into a brand new building where we hope to continue to produce brand new ideas!
During the railway rush in 1876, a contractor had our new home, formally known asRingwood Manor, built in the town we now call Whitby, Ontario. Unfortunately, after an economic decline in that arena, the bank foreclosed the property before the turn of the century. Since then, the building has seen a great many owners and curators but after a house fire this majestic manor was left alone for a time. After numerous renovations this beautiful structure was completely revitalized and new residents moved in. As the most recent tenants we couldn’t be happier to be a part of it’s rich history.
The move took place on June, 20th 2016. Now, as we settle in to our new home, we ask that you update the current address with our new one. Our phone numbers and other information will all continue to be the same, it is only our address that you will need to update.
Below you will find our old and new addresses for your convenience.
Old Address:
1375 Hopkins Street
Whitby, ON L1N 2C2
New Address:
1601 Hopkins Street
Whitby, ON L1N 9N1
If you would like to learn more about our new location or have any questions, please call us toll free at 866-858-8800.